Go Hucky! It's Your Birthday!

Look out World my baby dinosaur turned F O U R today and he is ready to take on the world!! A few milestones we have hit just this year Had his first sleepover out the Beach travel trailer Survived his first Hurricane (BARELY) NOW SLEEPS AT NIGHT!!!! Read that again! ----- Now Sleeps at Night ---- yep! Gimme all the praise hands!!! This is HUGE! The past four years have been sleepless nights but we have now graduated from that nonsense and now we are a BIG BOY! Happy Dance Time!! His favorite thing is still the same BARKING! God Bless America I will never be able to break him of that so I am learning to embrace it.... I mean who doesn't love loud outbursts of hysterical barking at random times throughout the day the night....ALL THE DAMN TIME {insert eye roll} His Grandpa (My daddy) and Car rides come in at a pretty close tie of what he likes more. He can be in one of his barking fits and I can ...