
Last week was reallllll was a week of mourning.... for my fat. Sorry I didn't actually die I might be a little dramatic but it's the closest thing I can imagine to what death feels like. So T H R E E years ago when I was in MUCH better shape a group of us ladies used to take a workout class called Tone & Sculpt I call it Tone & Death because the first class I attended I had to bite down on my t-shirt to keep from vomiting!! It was rough! Now I've done a P90X, Insanity, T25, Jillian Michaels, Shaun T video, you name it I've struggled through it but nothing compares to Vanessa....our own personal drill sergeant who never leaves home without her violin because she doesn't know the word sympathy and tears actually fuel her!! So anywho Life happened and got busy and that class came to an end and three years went by....some people had babies, some people stayed in the gym, some people went months without the gym (Me) so you know how that go...