Labor is hard

6 months ago today I experienced probably one of the hardest things ever! I was getting ready for work when the water broke.... HOLY CRAP! TODAY IS THE DAY!?!?! I don't think I'm ready! I mean I knew this day would come but OMG like its time!!!! I rush to Tallahassee....why I don't know. They put you in one room to check you then you wait then they move you to another room then you wait. Like why the heck is there so much waiting..... There is a baby trying to come out! Ummmm.... Hello let's get the ball rolling.

Well I'm sure many of you know once you get nice and comfortable that's when things start to happen! The contractions started getting closer and closer and more intense with each one. Everyone in the room could see them coming. It would be a team effort. You pull here, you push here, you fan here, chapstick now, water... tiny break.... then REPEAT! The Doctor came in at one point and was like it'll be a few hours but you are progressing nicely. Before too long the nurse so calmly told the other nurse "ummmmm can you go see if you can find the Doctor because he needs to be in here or I'll be delivering the baby"  I was thinking ummmmm WHAT!! He said it would be a few hours! OH MY GOSH! It's about to happen! HOLY SHEET! IT'S TIME! AM I READY! I DON'T THINK I'M READY! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I GUESS HERE WE GO!!! 

It was finally time to push. It was like okay you grab a leg here and push against here and you do the same here. You lift up here and you hold here.... there was so much going on but 1....2....3....4.... Deep Breathe PUSH PUSH PUSH!!! Breathe Good Job!! You're doing great! "We're going to keep doing just like that you did great"...the Nurse said and I thought crap how many times cause that was kind of hard! Take a little breather but get ready we are going again.... I squeezed so hard and pushed like I was pushing for my life! Like Jessica you have got to push with everything you got or else so I was already sweating! Heck I had been sweating since I got into Labor and delivery but now it was like running down my back sweating which is the worst kind of sweating (Amiright) Like 20 minutes I thought I don't know if I can make it this is soooooo hard. There were a few grunts not many words and maybe one ouch. But man oh man I could feel the tears coming & I thought oh no not yet Jessica get it together we are still pushing! So we pushed and pushed and pushed and finally they were like you are so close you can do it and I thought NO! NOPE! NO! I cannot do this! I am exhausted! Like can't we take a break! I could really use a water or maybe even another Pink Drink! I just need a little break! Why isn't anyone fanning me I am sweating!!! Can't you see that!! The nurses were so encouraging they were like come on you got one more big push and he is here! So I was like Okay suck it up buttercup as tears are rolling down my face like seconds away from hyperventilating tears we are almost there!!! 1.....2.....3......4..... BIG PUSHHHHHHHHH!!!  I hear the sound of a new baby boy crying and it was a feeling of relief!!! We did it!!! We birthed a baby!!! OH MY GOSH!! Then the flood gates busted through I couldn't hold them back anymore which was embarrassing because A-I don't cry in public because I am HARD and B-I wasn't actually the one in labor! 

Sorry I might have left a tiny part out.... yeah I was just there for support! My Best Friend actually birthed the baby.... but I have never been more exhausted in my life! Like holy guacamole labor is hard work.... I mean I'm sure she was tired too but like I really needed to sit down because I told her I would stay by her head because I didn't think I really needed to be down there where the action was but I looked once.... and quickly redirected my attention back to Mindy's face! The lovely Rebecca Vann documented this day oh so well as you will see below!You might also see that I'm a tiny bit dramatic but like seriously Labor is hard! I worked hard! Don't judge me! I didn't know that I didn't have to push too! This was my first birth! 

 Labor took some pretty serious Team Work but Mindy was the Quarterback.... clearly we couldn't have done it without her! 

 I might have been praying.... or just resting my eyes.... but I'm pretty sure this is when I started pushing too! The nurse said PUSH so I was pushing!! I didn't know who she was talking to!! I didn't want to be RUDE!! 

Meet the Handsome Roxen Lance Parker born April 17th, 2017 weighing 7 lbs 4.4 oz and measuring 20 inches long.

 "Hey Buddy my name is JJ and you're going to LOVE me! I am practically a kid too so we will get along great! I hope you are ready for lots of FUN!"

A little after birth talk like did we really just do this.... Holy Batman! You're a Mom now! 

Family Photo 💓

So I have always heard Labor is a beautiful thing and I might have to agree now! I mean it was still HARD but it was definitely something I can't really describe! Oh and let me add that Mindy had ZERO epidural or any kind of pain medicine she totally did this all naturally! I could have probably benefited from the epidural but the nurse didn't ask me if I wanted it so I didn't say anything! I seriously don't know how she did it! She is one tough cookie and an AWESOME mama!! 

Roxen is S I X months old today and so full of life! His little personality blooms more and more each day! He is definitely gonna be sassy and so much FUN just like his JJ! 

Next time you think man I'm exhausted.... just think you probably haven't birthed a baby. So you are not truly exhausted!!

Adios Beaches!! I'll be Back!!


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