Guess who's back? Life update

Guess who's BACK? BACK Again! 

I AM BACK! Tell your friends 😜  Hey friends! It's me Jess! Bringing back my 5 year old writing skills to shares some giggles. So get ready to ignore the grammar and spelling and let's have some FUN!

 Life Update since my last (sad) post..... I got pregnant again, thought we were having a second miscarriage but thankfully it was just a little scare. We remodeled my late Grandma's apartment and moved back to Perry. The world shut down because of ya know.... C*VID. I joined a beauty company that has changed everything! We welcomed our perfect Rainbow baby into the world after a terrible labor (stay tuned). We bought a house and started remodeling it in January. We moved into it in March and have enjoyed having more space. We bought a camper the end of summer and started making memories camping. We celebrated our baby boy turning ONE! The world finally got back to normal (for the most part) and we have been having so much fun! So that is the short version I'll share more later! Thanks for following along with me!

Adios Beaches! I'll be back!



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