New Blog...Who dis?

If I had to describe my life in a few words, it would be....."Dog Hair and Giggles". Let's be real people take life way too damn serious and I'm just over here laughing my way through the days trying to keep this baby dinosaur alive. 
Baby Dinosaur? No I don't "Actually" have a Tyrannosaurus Rex roaming the halls of my house but Huck is pretty dang close.... I'm about 99% sure he is a dog due to the trail of dog hair that is constantly on the floor, on my clothes, and in my life....but hey who knows maybe dinosaurs really aren't extinct! Wanna know more about this little ray of sunshine that might kill me in my sleep one day... Head on over to his page The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to see how precious of a little baby he WAS! He is still pretty cute but I definitely would not use the word precious to describe him. 

Enough about that little Monster and MORE about me! I mean that is why you are all here right?!! ha ha (Insert fake laugh) Well this is the part where you have to pretend to like me while I talk about myself and how fabulous I am! 😂

Sooooo....where do I begin? 
Once upon a time in a castle far far away lived a Beautiful Princess named Jessica.... oh shoot sorry wrong story. I would like to say I'm an adult in her late 20's who has her life together but that doesn't make for a good story! Some days I live my life through my planner... checking off "to-do lists" one by one but MOST days I don't even brush my hair...hell I barely remember the last time I washed it and if I am being honest those days are my BEST! 

There are a lot of bad things in this world that can suck the life out of you if you let it. I could sit around all day and be sad that I have to do things like pay bills, clean my house, pay for crappy health insurance, get up early, exercise.... I could seriously go on and on but I prefer to have fun, laugh at inappropriate times and plan way too many vacations because GUESS WHAT?  LIFE IS TOO SHORT!!! Seriously we are all going to die one day and I can promise you that when I am gone people won't be talking about how much stress I had in my life.... People are going to say that girl made me laugh! :)

So stay tuned for some mediocre beauty routines, some health tips, LOTS of vacations and most importantly some good for the soul Giggles! So do yourself a favor and subscribe so you don't miss a thing! 

Adios Beaches! I'll be back!


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