We stand together

Hurricane Harvey a Category 4 hurricane made landfall near Rockport, Texas, at peak intensity late on August 25 causing catastrophic damage on so very many. 

Watercolor photo by @poppyandpinecone

People have lost everything, their homes, their photos, their pets, family members! People have been left with nothing but the clothes on their back. So how embarrassing is it that in the midst of all this suffering, and seeing the good of mankind coming together to help ALL Texans of all kinds, that people in the media find it appropriate to criticize our First Lady's choice of shoes on her visit to Texas??!! Seriously, you are worried about her shoes instead of the devastating crisis that all of these people are going through! So what you took away from their visit was her wardrobe?!! Thankfully those people are the minority and you don't represent what America is all about. 

America is NOT about race, gender, who is offended by this or that, statues being torn down, our men and women in uniform being killed, our flag being stepped on or burned. America is what is happening in Texas!! People coming from all walks of life to help one another in need! The amount of people who have hooked up their boats with their big trucks and driven hours to go and try to help people get to safety is absolutely incredible! The amount of businesses sending money and supplies for no personal recognition or any status gain just from the care in the hearts. The number of FWC men and women, police officers, first responders, FEMA, volunteers, and so many more who have put their life on the line to help people that they do not know is pure compassion. That is what it means to be an American! This is what America is! We stand together for those who can't stand at all! It is so heartwarming to see so many different people coming together and uniting as one!

In one of my other posts I mentioned that I worked for an amazing health and wellness company that I love some much! I love how much Plexus truly cares for people! Our Corporate office and Presidents have been making calls all week to our ambassadors in Texas to see what they could do to help! Initially, Plexus is donating $100,000 to The Salvation Army to help with first-responder efforts. In addition, they have created a Plexus Worldwide Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief page for those who want to personally donate to this cause. You can access it here: salar.my/HurricaneHarveyPlexus. You can also text “Plexus” to 51555 and receive a donation link. Plexus will match dollar-for-dollar contributions to The Salvation Army from our Ambassadors and employees up to an additional $100,000. 

Also, so many places and towns are collecting donations and supplies to be delivered to Texas. Several organizations have websites and links created to be able to donate to the Red Cross, to Salvation Army, and to so many more! Let's Spread the word and get Texas back on their feet!

My thoughts and prayers are with all of the people, families, and communities that have been affected by Hurricane Harvey! 

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:29-31

Adios Beaches! I'll be back!


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