Jack of all trades

"I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany."

But forreal ha ha like I am a jack of all trades... The list is like a mile long... but we will start with the basics ---->Not only do I have my "normal" job of being the glue that holds our family business together (totally joking;)....I would tell you what kind of business it is but I would have to kill you then), I am also Huck's servant-which doesn't pay very well, a Health and Happiness dealer for the BEST company E V E R; Plexus Worldwide (you will be hearing a lot about this because you NEED this in your life), Model...yeah you read that correctly... I said Model and also soon to be the world's best blogger! BOOM look out Bachelor girls I am coming for your careers!  

"When normal, everyday attractive girls attempt to compare their good looks to those of airbrushed models and supermodels."
{Insert Eye Roll} I don't need Urban Dictionary trying to tell me I ain't no Model.... #BoyBye 

I know you are just dying to know how I got my start as a "Model" other than knowing a thing or two about how to take the ultimate selfie, one of my besties owns a super cute Online Boutique called Chic & Pink  so I get to play dress up & "Model" all of the time. I mean I am practically ready for the runway! {insert snap} #ModelStatus Thanks Kristy! I'll give you a HUGE shout out when I hit it BIG! 
*Shout out to our bomb.com photographer who also happens to be one of my Best Friends, Daryn who makes us look pretty and turns her downtown Probation/Drug Monitoring office into a studio.... It keeps things interesting! But seriously her pictures are AMAZING!! Hit her up on facebook or on her website Daryn Wiles Photography *
But seriously like how awesome is it that I can say I am an actual Chic & Pink Model!! We have so much FUN and I love being able to watch and support my friends businesses! Like I seriously hit the friend jackpot because I have some of the most creative, smart, successful group of "beaches" that you will ever meet! Stay tuned for more Friend shout outs! 
That is what makes life so much fun, being able to support and build up one another! 

So some people might say "You ain't no Model" well some people can kiss my biscuits cause I can be whatever I want to be!! lol Check out Kristy's boutique online by clicking on Chic & Pink above. 
These are the things that keep me busy and that keep my heart full! Do what makes you happy, surround yourself with successful people, challenge each other to be the BEST! 
What are some of the things that you enjoy doing? Share all of your trades and Keep rocking!
Adios Beaches! I'll be Back!


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